Apr 2017 | Licensure for psychological psychotherapy (CBT) |
Dec 2016 | Ph.D. in Psychology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (Germany) Dissertation: "Acceptance and implementation of eHealth interventions in medical inpatient rehabilitation" |
Oct 2012 - Apr 2017 | Professional training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz |
July 2012 | Diploma in Psychology, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main |
Sept 2010-Feb 2011 | Semester abroad, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal |
Academic and Clinical Positions
since June 2016 |
Research assistant, Department of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy & experimental Psychopathology (Prof. Dr. Witthöft), Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz |
July 2013-May 2016 | Doctoral candidate, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Mainz |
Oct 2012- Mar 2013 |
Clinical training, Inpatient Clinic of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Mainz |
Oct 2013-Sept 2014 | Clinical training, Inpatient Clinic of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Agaplesion Elisabethenstift, Darmstadt |
Awards & Scholarships
Aug 2023 | Early Career Award International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM) [LINK] |
March 2022 | Young Investigator Award European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM) [LINK] |
Sept 2018 | Poster Prize 6th meeting of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII), Copenhagen, Denmark Poster-Title: Effectiveness, acceptability, and safety of Internet-delivered psychological therapies for somatoform disorders and functional somatic syndromes: a narrative overview and recommendations for future research |
Mar 2018 | Research funding University of Mainz (13.000€) for the iSOMA project |
Mar 2017 | Poster Prize 26th Congress on Rehabilitation Sciences, Frankfurt (Germany) Poster title: Internet-based interventions for work-related stress: Acceptance and barriers to utilization in employees with a high risk of health-related early retirement |
July 2013- May 2016 | Ph.D. scholarship Illa and Werner Zarnekow Foundation |
Mar 2106 | Travel grant 67th German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (03/16-19/2016) by the DKPM, DGPM, MediClin, DGPPR |
Sept 2010-Feb 2011 | Student scholarship ERASMUS program for academic mobility |
Teaching Projects & Certificates
Jan 2024 | Co-funding for teaching project Gutenberg Lehrkolleg (GLK), University of Mainz Lehrprojekt: "Aufbau eines rollenspielbasierten, berufspraktisch-orientierten Seminars im neuen Master of Science Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie zur Vorbereitung auf die neue Approbationsprüfung" (Master Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie) Lead: Hanna Konradi |
Nov 2021 | Certificate "Digital Psychotherapy" German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (DGPPN) and German Association for Psychology (DPGs) |
Feb 2021 | Certificate "Digital Health & Education" Robert Bosch Stiftung and Careum Foundation |
June 2017 | Teaching award (2nd place), "Neue Wege in der Lehre", University of Mainz (Germany) Seminar title: Development of modular web-based self-help for somatic symptom disorders and medically unexplained physical symptoms |
Featured publication
Hennemann, S., Wenzel, M., Van den Bergh, O., Wessels, M., & Witthöft, M. (2023). Emotion dynamics and somatic symptoms in everyday life: Ecological momentary assessment in somatic symptom disorder and healthy controls. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 172, 111429.
Hennemann, S., Weirich, A., Meule, A., Bräscher, A.K., Witthöft, M. (under review). German version of the Specific Phobia of Vomiting Inventory (SPOVI): Psychometric properties and correlates across a clinical and non-clinical sample. BMC Psychiatry
Hennemann, S., Schröder, Y. J., Witthöft, M., Zeier, P. (under review). How to deal with negative climate emotions? An experimental study on emotion regulation in the context of the climate crisis among activists and non-activists. Global Environmental Psychology
Huth, D., Hennemann, S., Witthöft, M., Bräscher, A.-K. (in preparation). Effectiveness of a video-based educational intervention in promoting COVID-19 vaccination acceptance among individuals with mental disorders: A randomized online experiment.
Hennemann, S., Fähnrich, J., Tietze, C., Jungmann, S.M. (in preparation). ChatGPT as a cognitive-behavioral chat-coach for procrastination: Findings from a randomized-controlled pilot trial.
Hennemann, S., Böhme, K., Witthöft, M. (2023). Somatische Belastungsstörung und verwandte Störungen. In: Ebert, D.D., Baumeister, H. (eds) Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Apolinário-Hagen, J., Drüge, M., Hennemann, S., Breil, B. (2021). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder: Insights into a New Generation of Face-to-Face Treatment and Digital Self-Help Approaches. In: Kim, YK. (eds) Major Depressive Disorder. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1305. Springer, Singapore.
Research projects
iSOMA plus - Blended Psychotherapie für Somatische Belastungsstörung (in Planung)
KIPSY - Künstliche Intelligenz in der Psychotherapie (in Planung)
Einstellungen von Behandler*innen zur Entstehung und Behandlung des Post-Covid-Syndroms
DIADEM - Diagnostik und Intervention bei Emetophobie (Angst vor dem Erbrechen) (laufend)
PROKI - Vergleich von Chatbot (ChatGPT) und menschlichem Coaching bei Prokrastination (abgeschlossen)
KLER - Klimagefühle und Emotionsregulation mit Bilderparadigma (abgeschlossen)
iSOMA – Wirksamkeit einer Online-Intervention für anhaltende körperliche Beschwerden (abgeschlossen)
KOWA– Körperbeschwerden und Wahrnehmungsprozesse im Alltag (abgeschlossen)
Research Interests
- digital health
- iCBT
- Chatbots
- Acceptance and adoption of e-mental-health
- Somatoform disorders / Somatic Symptom Disorders / Functional Somatic Syndromes
- Health anxiety
- Emetophobia
- Grief
- Ambulatory assessment
- Digital diagnostics
- Psychotherapy process research
University courses (German)
Bachelor and Master of Psychology
- Seminare zu Störungs- und Verfahrenslehre (u.a. "Therapeutische Techniken", "Depression und Suizidalität", "Somatoforme Störungen", "Mythen der Klinischen Psychologie und Psychotherapie", "Angststörungen")
- Experimentalpsychologisches Praktikum
- Fallkonzeptualisierung/ Begleitung und Dokumentation von Psychotherapie (BQT1)
- Projektarbeitsseminare (u.a. "Entwicklung internetbasierter Interventionen für funktionelle Körperbeschwerden", "Validierung eines Fragebogens zur interozeptiven Sensibilität")
- Klinische Modelle und Psychotherapieforschung
- Erstgespräch und Probatorik in der Psychotherapie
- Übung Klinische & Psychosoziale Versorgung
- Psychotherapie bei Erwachsenen (BQT 2)
Externe Dozententätigkeit
Seminare für Ausbildungsinstitute und Fortbildungsveranstaltungen zu den Themen „Somatoforme Störungen" und „E-Mental-Health“
Peer review activities (ad-hoc reviewer)
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Journal of Affective Disorders
- Psychiatry Research
- General Hospital Psychiatry
- BMJ open
- Internet Interventions
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research
- Systematic Reviews
- Nature Digital Medicine
- Frontiers
- Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
- Verhaltenstherapie
- Journal of Sleep Research
- International Journal of Information Management
- Journal of Psychiatry Research
- Psychology, Health & Medicine
- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- Clinical Psychology in Europe
- PLOS One
- Scientific Reports
Studie an der Uni Mainz: Wie geht man mit „Klima-Gefühlen“ um? - Beitrag der Landespsychotherapeutenkammer RLP über das Forschungsprojekt KLER (18.03.2024)
"Wie wir Krankheitsängste überwinden" - Interview im SWR2 (Do, 29.10.2020 19:05 Uhr, SWR2 Tandem)
"Onlinetraining bei anhaltenden körperlichen Beschwerden" - Beitrag im JGU Magazin der Universität Mainz über Forschungsprojekt iSOMA
"Psychotherapie per App?" - Beitrag in ZDF heute via Instagram (Juli 2022)
Professional Affiliations
- European Research Network to Improve Diagnosis, Treatment and Health Care for Patients with Persistent Somatic Symptoms (EURONET-SOMA)
- Indikationsspezifische Arbeitsgruppe Psychotherapie im "Trusted Health Apps" Projekt der Bertelsmann Stiftung
- German Psychological Society (DGPs; section eHealth)
- Arbeitsgruppe „E-Health in der Rehabilitation“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften e. V. (DGRW)
- Deutsche PsychotherapeutenVereinigung (DPtV)